Will snoring reduce the oxygen to the veins of my anal fissure?

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Anal fissure is the condition that is characterized by the tearing of the anus and the anal canal. Primarily, it is caused by trauma such as a large and hard stool, tightened anal sphincter (muscle that open and close the anus), frequent diarrhea, and childbirth. Sometimes, non-traumatic diseases can also cause anal fissure like Crohn’s disease (the swelling, inflammation, and sores in the lining of the digestive tract).

A person with anal fissure will experience pain and discomfort in the anal area. This is more painful when having bowel movements. Other symptoms include bleeding in the anus, itching, and malodorous discharge (the discoloration of the fecal matter). The feces could change to a color of red, maroon, tarry, or black.

Risk factors for anal fissure include constipation, chronic diarrhea, straining from bowel movement, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, prior anal surgery, and receptive anal intercourse.

To help relieve anal fissure, it is advisable to take lots of fiber-rich foods. Oats and whole-wheat bread are the best options. Fruits and vegetables are also definitely part of the list. Other ways require the use of ointment, laxatives, or surgery. Medication include those that reduce pain and inflammation, topical nitrates and calcium channel blockers (increase blood flow in the anus), and botulinum toxin injected so as to relax tightened anal sphincter muscles.

There are many treatments for anal fissure. There are also many theories about it. One unusual question is, will snoring reduce the oxygen to the veins of my anal fissure?

Snoring is the vibration of the throat, which causes the vibrating sound due to the blocking of air while breathing during sleep. This usually occurs when a person has not had enough sleep, and is stressed and worn out. It may also be a bad sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is a condition characterized by pauses in breathing while the person is asleep. It can cause gasping, choking, long pauses in breathing, and frequent awakening during sleep.

The blockage of airflow may be due to enlarged tonsils, tumors, cysts and adenoids. It may also be because of weak muscles in the throat and tongue, congested nasal passages due to colds and other sickness, and obesity.

Some risk factors include being overweight, drug use like depressants, alcohol, family history of snoring, nasal obstruction, and lying on one’s back while sleeping.

To reduce or stop snoring, suggestions include losing weight, quitting smoking, and sleeping on one’s side. Other treatments would be nasal sprays, lubricating sprays, nose clips, and oral appliances (a device worn by a person to prevent snoring).

There are no reported studies that snoring can affect anal fissure. Since snoring is a condition that occurs around the respiratory area, and the anal fissure is a discomfort in the anal canal, there might not be any connection between both.

So will snoring reduce the oxygen to the veins of my anal fissure? This has not been proven yet, but it is also not an impossible theory. There are no full study or test if snoring can reduce oxygen to the veins.

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