What to Do if the Anal Fissure Tears and Burst?

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What are anal fissures? An anal fissure is a linear tear found on the skin covering the anal region. This condition occurs in a variety of age groups, but often affects young adults. Both men and women are affected. There are numerous symptoms associated with the condition but the most common is pain felt during and after defacation. The second most common symptom is the presence of fresh blood in the stool.

Anal fissures are commonly interchanged with hemorrhoids but these two conditions are different. It must also be noted that although different, both of these conditions can occur at the same time in a single individual. Considerable discomfort is experienced by individuals who suffer from these conditions despite being self-limiting.

Can these become serious conditions?

Often, these can heal on their own, especially if underlying factors are addressed early on. However, there are some cases wherein the condition worsens. Majority of cases are classified as acute, and resolve spontaneously even without dietary modifications. These modifications involve increased fiber intake and/ or the use of laxatives.

An anal fissure is considered as a chronic case when the condition fails to resolve within the first 6 weeks. During those intial weeks, dietary modifications have already been implemented and all other standard therapeutic procedures have been followed but to no avail. In such instances, the condition becomes difficult to manage since it causes great discomfort to the individual.

What happens when they tear and/ or burst?

Despite being a common condition, little is understood regarding the occurrence and formation of anal fissures, particularly chronic cases. The typical explanation for this occurence is that constipation and the presence of hard stool cause trauma to the mucosa (lining of the anus) which leads to tearing. Unfortunately, this does not explain why not all cases of constipated patients lead to formation of anal fissures. Approximately 7% of all the constipated patients are the only ones found to have the condition whereas the others seemingly have no problems with defecation.

Most cases of anal fissure that lead to further tearing and/ or bursting are chronic. In such cases, surgical intervention is the most logical treatment of choice. Most of the time, the treatment is directed at preventing spasms of the anal muscles. Traditional approaches often involve resecting a portion of the anal sphincter muscle to avoid spasms. Together with this approach, numerous pharmacological agents are also used to prevent pressure build up and to hasten the healing process.

Depending on the severity of the injury, the doctor will decide whether the use of drugs is already sufficient to treat the condition or if a more drastic approach may be required.

An anal fissure can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. Tearing or bursting can cause excruciating pain to the individual and bleeding could become profuse. To avoid complications, the best thing to do would be to consult a doctor. These conditions are treatable and can be prevented from re-occuring but individuals suffering from this type of problem should not wait for the very last minute to get treatment. The earlier the condition is recognized, the better. Do not let the anal fissure get any worse before seeking medical attention.

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