Unfortunately, an anal fissure can be very painful. It is, after all, seated in an area that is rich in nerve endings. While it may be a tiny tear, it can produce a vibration of intense pain and sitting can be uncomfortable to put it mildly. Even if a patient is still hoping for natural healing, he still needs to use some form of pain management. Pain management does not have to transform someone into a walking pharmacy. What is the best pain management and reliever for anal fissure? It is really a combination of a few strategies.
Food and water therapy
Popping painkillers but not ensuring smooth bowel movements would be just for nothing. It is best to stay away from foods that can aggravate chronic stomach conditions. Foods that may result to diarrhea or constipation include fatty meats, sugary treats, and dairy products, among others. While a little sacrifice may be required, high-fiber foods such as prunes, whole grains, leafy vegetables, and many luscious fruits may make life a little more bearable. More water consumption is also required.
Regulated exercise
Because the patient is in pain, exercise may have to be regulated but not skipped entirely. Walking may be the best option if the patient is in a lot of pain. This simple exercise will help with digestion and bowel movements, along with the food and water therapy. It will also promote blood circulation, which is important in healing.
Warm water immersion
It cannot be emphasized enough that proper hygiene should be practiced when suffering from anal fissures. The sitz bath is the most commonly prescribed practice for not only cleansing the affected area after a bowel movement but also for soothing the area. The warm water can help ease the pain in the affected area. You can do this two to three times daily for ten minutes at a time. Some people even add baking soda, vinegar, or salt into warm water, but others are already satisfied with the effects of warm water alone. However, it can be quite inconvenient to follow this routine if the patient is outside his own home.
Topical analgesics
One of the more obvious inclusions in a pain management strategy is a topical analgesic. This is usually added to the regimen if the patient is in a lot of pain. Topical analgesics or anesthetics will somehow soothe the area and make it more bearable for the patient to sit and to wait until the affected area has healed.
Stool softeners
Stool softeners may also be ingested as an additional go-to treatment if the patient is in a lot of pain. Patients with severe pain should not risk developing further tears and aggravation in the anal area due to constipation. A stool softener will also ensure that the patient does not strain and take long during a bowel movement.
So, what is the best pain management and reliever for anal fissure? There is not one solution. The patient must include all the points above for his pain management regimen.