Anal fissure can occur when large or hard stools try to pass through the anal canal and you find that there is no other way to expel them but to strain a lot more than usual. This action stretches the anal canal, causing a tear in the lining. By exerting pressure using your anal muscles to relieve yourself, you are irritating the anal tissues; thus, causing blood stains as well as severe discomfort and pain.
The treatment of fissures requires medical management. The tenderness and soreness associated with anal tear necessitates the use of certain oral and topical medications that will help ease the pain and soothe the irritated anal muscles. There are other non-chemical treatments and a sitz bath (hip bath) for anal fissure treatment is recommended. It is very helpful in getting rid of the itch, irritation and pain associated with the condition. It promotes healing with no adverse side effects. It does not require a doctor’s prescription or fancy tools and, with proper caution, you can safely do it regularly.
The procedure is quite simple but requires some materials to have and needs advance preparation.
- •Get a clean, sanitized sitz bath kit to put over your toilet bowl (or clean and disinfect your bath tub really well). Fill it with about 3 to 4 inches of warm water. Make sure the water is not hot, but comfortably warm and not cold. It should not cause any discomfort or burns. You can test the temperature by placing your wrist on the water.
- •When you find that the water is okay, you can add other solutions that your doctor may have advised you. You can also create an even more soothing solution by adding a few tablespoons of vinegar, maybe a little salt or even baking soda. However, you can also do the bath with nothing but warm water.
- •If using a bath tub, you can go ahead and step into the water and sit comfortably for about 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure that your anal area is soaked. A lot of kits have a tube where you can continuously pour warm water as soon as it gets a little cold.
- •If you’re using a sitz bath kit, make sure that it fits snuggly on the open toilet seat to avoid accidents. As you sit, be sure that your anal area is soaked. Stay there for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- •When done, stand and use a clean towel to pat dry the anal and perineal area. Don’t rub with the towel so as not to further irritate the area.
- •Clean the bath tub or the sitz bath kit with bleach and water. If the kit comes with a cleaning solution, you can go ahead and use it. Rinse well.
The sitz bath should be done after every bowel movement to bring the needed relief. Otherwise, do the procedure 3 to 4 times a day. The frequency will depend on how often you need to be relieved of pain, itch and irritation. This is a non-invasive procedure and no after-care precautions are needed. You can resume normal activities immediately.