An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anus that can be both painful and itchy. The tear may be caused by a stretch in the lining of the area due to hard and large stools. This condition may also cause bleeding in the anus during defecation.
Having anal fissure does not lead to other serious problems like cancer. However, it should be treated to avoid further discomfort. Anyone can be affected by this condition, including teenagers. Knowing how to treat anal fissures in boy and girl teenagers may only entail discussions on lifestyle modifications and over the counter creams. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is effective in both preventing the condition and avoiding further damage in an existing one.
1. Fiber-rich diet and drinking plenty of water
As the anus tears due to overstretching and too much pressure, it would help to avoid constipation by eating the right foods and drinking plenty of water. Fiber-rich food should be consumed in large amounts in order to facilitate regular bowel movement. Such foods include nuts, citrus, oat and wheat bran, whole grains and prunes. At least eight glasses of water should also be consumed daily to avoid hard stools. Drinks high in caffeine and alcohol must be avoided because they can cause dehydration.
2. Daily exercise and regular bowel movement
Teenagers with anal fissures should also be encouraged to exercise daily. Physical activity also facilitates bowel movement and lessens the chances of tearing. Scheduling regular bowel movement is also helpful in avoiding constipation. Anal straining is also avoided if the body is familiar with a routine.
3. Correct positioning
Teenagers with anal fissures should be taught the correct position when defecating. When sitting on the toilet, a small stool should be used to support the feet. Doing this will flex the hips and put the pelvis in a squatting position which keeps the anal muscles from over-stretching.
4. Doctor-prescribed ointments and cream
Consulting a doctor is also the best thing to do when teenagers suffer from anal fissures. They usually prescribe creams and ointments that will make the healing of tear faster. The doctor’s instructions regarding the application of the medications should be strictly followed to ensure positive effects. In relation to this, over-the-counter creams should not be used because incorrect use and dosage many cause further damage.
5. Over-the –counter Laxatives
The doctor may also approve the use of over-the-counter laxatives like Milk of Magnesia if a fiber-rich diet does not do the job of softening the stool.
6. Non-irritating wipes
Teenagers should also use gentle wipes in cleaning their anus after defecation. Doing this prevents further tearing in the area and prevents irritation of the existing wound.
There are many ways on how to treat anal fissures in boy and girl teenagers, if the case is not chronic. However, more medications or even surgery may be required if the case just keeps on coming back. It all depends on the parents’ open communication with their children regarding the condition’s progress. Vigilance should also be practiced and the presence of an anal tear should not be taken for granted. Instead, it should be treated promptly.