Top 10 Vegetables that Help Eliminate Anal Fissures

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A high fiber diet ensures that bowel movements are regular and pain-free. For some people who already have anal fissures, this is a blessing. To make this happen, they may want to pick the top 10 vegetables that help eliminate anal fissures due to their high giver content:


It may inspire you to get to know this often-intimidating vegetable more if you knew that a medium-sized artichoke comes with 10.3 grams of fiber. It may not be your usual veggie, but it is not that bad at all as it has a lot of flavor.

Broccoli (Boiled)

Broccoli, to give its optimum amount of fiber, should be either boiled or steamed. A cup of boiled broccoli delivers 5.1 grams of fiber. If you are not much of a veggie fan, you can surprise your taste buds by combining broccoli with eggs, garlic, and crushed almonds to make fritters.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts look like mini versions cabbages, which makes them among kids. However, a half cup of cooked Brussels sprouts can already provide your diet with 3 grams of fiber. It is worth the effort to make your kids eat them.

Collard Greens

These dark green and leafy veggies are good sources of fiber. So, you will have to endure its slightly bitter taste to get 1.4 grams of fiber from every one cup of chopped collard greens.

Green Peas

This vegetable may be eaten raw or lightly cooked. Some love tossing it in salads. Whatever the case may be, a mere half cup of green peas can already deliver 5.6 grams of fiber.


Your more popular impression of potatoes may not be so good, what with their inclusion in not so healthy fare, such as French fries and potato chips. Potatoes that are boiled, mashed, steamed, and grilled, however, are a lot healthier. They deliver not just 3.8 grams of fiber per medium potato that has been baked with its skin, but it also comes with folacin, potassium, and vitamin C.


Parsnips somewhat resemble carrots but they have a creamy color and a nutty flavor. They may also be steamed, roasted, stir-fried, and cooked in various ways just like carrots. A half cup of parsnips can provide you with 2.7 grams of fiber, while also helping you regulate your blood sugar levels.

Raw Carrots

Carrots are similar to parsnips in their delivery of fiber. They are also easy to munch. Just a cup of sliced, raw carrots can provide you with 3.42 grams of fiber. It is also an excellent source of vitamin A, which is what it is most known for.


Dark leafy green vegetables are good sources of fiber, and spinach is no exception. A half cup of boiled or stir-fried spinach contains 2.3 grams of giver. Baby spinach may even be added to a salad. It is also good to know that the spinach can hold on to a lot of water that it can make you feel full and satisfied at a shorter period of time.

Turnip greens

A mere half cup of cubed turnip greens can give you 1.2 grams of fiber. Never mind its bitter taste because it has been found to be proof of its calcium content.

The top ten vegetables that help eliminate anal fissures should help make life a lot more comfortable. Eat them raw, boiled, or steamed depending on the veggie.

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