What are Passion Flowers? Passion flowers (Passiflora serratifolia), also known as Passiflora or passion vines, are 500 species of flowering plants. Passiflora are usually either vines or shrubs. These plants are often used to make remedies to treat a number of conditions. Certain types of passion flower may have similar effects than that of benzodiazepines, or Valium, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or MAOIs. A passion flower, when consumed, is said to have calming, muscle relieving, and sleep inducing effects. Although not required, it is recommended to consult a health care professional before using this for medicinal purposes.
Its name came from the Spanish missionaries, who believed that the threads of the flower looked like a crown of thorns, and the other components of the flower resembled the whips, wounds and stigma, linked to the passion of the Christ. With this, the flowering plant started to be associated with Christianity.
Health Benefits of Passion Flower
Passion flowers are commonly used to treat anxiety disorders, insomnia, opiate withdrawal symptoms, upset stomach, high blood pressure, burns, hemorrhoids, irregular heart rate, but most importantly, constipation.
Anal Fissure and Constipation
An individual getting constipated from time to time is not an unusual happening. It is not considered a disease. However, it does indicate that the person is living an unhealthy lifestyle. The condition occurs when the body lacks enough water, resulting to dehydrated intestines, which in turn, would lead to slow bowel movements. Exercising regularly, eating right and staying hydrated can prevent constipation.
Constipation may lead to a condition wherein the lining of the anus is wounded with a crack or a small tear. This is called anal fissure. A person suffering from this condition may find passing bowels painful. Sometimes, anal fissure even causes bleeding and extreme discomfort.
Although anal fissure has the tendency to heal on its own, it often lasts up to 6 weeks, depending on how severe the wound is.
One thing a person can do to avoid anal fissures is to target its root cause – constipation.
Passion Flower as Treatment
There are lots of remedies to battle constipation. One way is to use herbs like passion flowers. Since high tension levels, anxiety and stress are also linked to constipation and other digestion problems, a nature’s tranquilizer like passion flower may be used to treat constipation and other metabolic problems.
For constipation relief, one may consider preparing a passion flower tea and drinking it at least 3 times a day. A passion flower tea can be made by placing a tablespoon of the dried herb in a cup of boiling water and letting it steep for about 10 minutes. Drinking this will help the consumer relax, calm his or her mind and relieve muscle tension.
Passion flower may also be consumed in fluid form. 2 to 3 drops of its extract mixed with water can do the trick. Also, passion flower in capsules or tablets may also be taken.
Passion flowers are recommended for anxious people who also have a lot on their minds, thinking too much and stressing over things.
Although passion flower has a lot of health benefits and calming substances, it must still be noted that the herb also has sedative properties and must be taken with caution.