For someone suffering from chronic anal fissures, it is natural to look for aggravating circumstances. There are people who have suffered from the condition for months and even for a year or more, so it is understandable that they would … READ MORE
Is Anal Fissure and HIV a Dangerous Combination?
Is anal fissure and HIV a dangerous combination? By the very nature of these two medical conditions, it should be. HIV on its own is already a disease that one does not want to have or be exposed to. An … READ MORE
What is the Best Pain Management and Reliever for Anal Fissure?
Unfortunately, an anal fissure can be very painful. It is, after all, seated in an area that is rich in nerve endings. While it may be a tiny tear, it can produce a vibration of intense pain and sitting can … READ MORE
Do Anal Fissures Cause White and Yellow Mucus Discharges?
The problem with a myriad of symptoms is figuring out whether they are all signs of one medical condition or the results of several considers suffered at the same time. With anal fissures, you may have to get used to … READ MORE
Are Wheatgrass and Zinc Oxide Good Cures for Anal Fissures?
Anal fissures can take a long time to heal because they are located in a very vulnerable area. It is difficult to prescribe just one cure to eradicate the uncomfortable condition because the area does not only contain a lot … READ MORE
Are botox injection and epsom salts good cures for anal fissures
Most cases of anal fissures resolve quickly — the longest would be a month or so. This is according to not only those who have experienced much quicker relief from the condition, but doctors as well. It is only when … READ MORE
Anal Fissure ICD 9 Codes
Doctors need to code the kind of anal troubles that you have. It is because some anal fissures are associated with one or more disorders such as ulcerative colitis or Chron’s diseases. The coding varies depending on the type of … READ MORE
Best anal fissure jokes
People afflicted with anal fissure know that dealing with the condition is very difficult. There is a lot of pain involved and suffering but while this maybe is the case of most patients, you learn to infuse humor as you … READ MORE
Are urinary problems, upset stomach and ulcerative colitis related to anal fissures?
If you have been experiencing unusual frequent urination or stomachache, it is probably best that you see a doctor. You are not supposed to experience any of these discomforts. Your doctor can better explain what is going on in your … READ MORE
What is a lateral sphincterotomy and how is it used to treat anal fissures
A lateral sphincterotomy is a surgical procedure that is performed when a torn muscle in the anus is not healed. The condition is called anal fissure. Although the procedure can be done in outpatient settings, it is still important that … READ MORE