Tanacetum parthenium, or what is commonly called as “Feverfew”, is a perennial herb that’s common in the Balkan Peninsula, Caucasus and Anatolia. Feverfew originated from the word “febrifugia”, which is Latin for “fever reducer”. Rightly so, Feverfew’s main medicinal purpose … READ MORE
Eyebright (Euphrasia rostkoviana) to treat anal fissure
Eyebright, scientifically called Euphrasia Rostkovinia, is a medicinal plant used mainly to treat conjunctivitis or what is commonly known as “pinkeye”. It grows mostly in the European region with some species spread out to both Western and Northern Asia and … READ MORE
Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) to treat Anal Fissure
Anal fissure is a common condition that can cause considerable discomfort and pain. Cutting or tearing on the lining of the anal sphincter is one of anal fissure’s most evident symptoms. Apart from that, a person afflicted with anal fissure … READ MORE
European birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) to treat anal fissure
Aristolochia clematitis, also known as the European birthwort, is a twining plant native to the Mediterranean region. Its yellow flowers and heart-shaped leaves makes it an attractive specimen. Despite its attractiveness, however, Birthwort does have a very distinct pungent smell … READ MORE
Ephedra (Ephedra sinica) to treat anal fissure
The use of medicinal herbs has long been a foundation of ancient medicine. Great civilizations such as the Egyptians, Chinese, Mongolian, Russian, Roman and Greek used various medicinal herbs to treat illnesses.
One of the medicinal herbs that is commonly … READ MORE
Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) to Treat Anal Fissure
Often referred to as Siberian ginseng, owing to the fact that in the past when Russians wanted to enhance the athletic abilities athletes, they opted to use this plant as substitute to the expensive American ginseng. In the US, it … READ MORE
Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) to Treat Anal Fissure
There are many scary movies depicting bloody scene in the toilet. But have you ever wondered that similar effects of bloody experiences do happen in real life and that it also terribly a scary ordeal. Not just bloody but also … READ MORE
Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) to treat anal fissure
It is a pretty common phenomenon that once in a while a person experiences severe pain that aptly describes what happens during and after using the bathroom. What is worse is that sometimes, occurrences like these are accompanied by blood … READ MORE
Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) to Treat Anal Fissure
What is anal fissure? Anal fissure is the tear or crack in the anal canal and anus. It is caused by the passage of unusually hard or large stool in the anal canal. It often happens when one suffers from … READ MORE
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) to Treat Anal Fissure
Found in temperate regions in the planet, dandelion or common dandelion is a flowering perennial plant valued for its culinary and medicinal benefits. It is famous for its round balls of silver from its yellow flower heads that scatter when … READ MORE