Is Anal Fissure and HIV a Dangerous Combination?

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Is anal fissure and HIV a dangerous combination? By the very nature of these two medical conditions, it should be. HIV on its own is already a disease that one does not want to have or be exposed to. An anal fissure, though not as serious in terms of its implications, is a painful and uncomfortable condition located in a sensitive area of the body.

Can someone incur both anal fissure and HIV at the same time?

Yes, one can contract HIV and develop anal fissure at the same time. If the person has engaged in unprotected anal sex then there is a possibility of contracting any sexually transmitted disease. At the same time, an anal fissure can develop because of the practice. Not all anal fissures are developed this way, just to be clear. Some have developed anal fissures due to bouts of constipation.

What is difficult about having anal fissure in relation to HIV?

People who have had unprotected anal sex may wrongfully – or even correctly – believe that they have developed a sexual transmitted disease if they observe the tear. Their partners may also be frightened by the possibility as it could mean something a lot more serious than being subjected to intense pain.

Even if a person has had anal fissures before contracting HIV, the combination of the two medical conditions will result to a more chronic disease. The patient will not heal quickly and naturally as it would usually be the case. The issue of surgery will also be tainted by the procedure’s effects on HIV-affected skin. It will no longer be just a matter of removing diseased tissues to make room for healthy ones to grow.

Could HIV result to an anal fissure?

Because HIV causes the breakdown of a person’s immune system, it can lead to all sorts of other medical conditions. This means that a cut or tear may not heal as fast as it would have been if the person were healthier. It has also been observed that anal tears located beyond the usual posterior and anterior locations may be more than just skin deep. Such an anal fissure could be the result of anal cancer, Crohn’s disease, viral diseases, or one of various types of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. So, one cannot be too careful. If there is even a slight risk of HIV exposure, the patient should get tested for that.

Is anal fissure and HIV a dangerous combination?

Yes, the two form a dangerous combination. Not only does HIV promote slow healing and the formation of the anal fissures in the first place, but surgery may also be put into question. With many conditions that could arise because of HIV, the patient has to consult his physician for a more specific and personalized treatment that will help him heal even given his conditions. Anal fissures may also be mistaken for symptoms of HIV, and should be given the proper diagnosis if ever there was a small risk for STDs.

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