How to Use Garden Angelica (Angelica archangelica) as a Remedy for Anal Fissure

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What is Garden Angelica?

Garden angelica is a hardy, perennial plant that usually grows in moist soil. It prefers to grow in slightly shady to sunny area. It is known as Angelica archangelica.

But is it possible to use Garden angelica (Angelica archangelica) to treat anal fissure? The essential oil of garden angelica has the following therapeutic properties: carminative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, depurative, diuretic, digestive, emmenogogue, hepatic, expectorant, febrifuge, stomachic, stimulant and tonic. It can boost the lymphatic system and detoxify the body.

The leaves of garden angelica are well-known as an edible vegetable in Scandinavia and Greenland. These can also be made into tea. Garden angelica tea can be taken to treat flu and bronchitis, stomach ulcer, anemia, anorexia, migraine and indigestion. Garden angelica tincture and decoction is an effective expectorant. It can also help in easing dry cough. Moreover, garden angelica tea can help in relaxing the uterus during menstrual cramps.

Stems of garden angelica can be cooked into candy. Young stalks of garden angelica can be boiled with rhubarb as a relief for hyperacidity. The root of garden angelica can be used as a decoction for itching, scabies and gout. Its roots can also be used as an emmenogogue to stimulate menses. Other uses of garden angelica are for skin irritation, water retention, spleen disorder, digestive problems, fatigue, psoriasis, fungal infections, lung and sinus problems, and poor appetite.

The use of garden angelica in pregnant women and diabetics is not recommended. It may also cause allergies and side effects when taken in high doses. Sun exposure must be avoided while using it.
Symptoms of Anal Fissure

Anal fissure is usually characterized by a burning, stinging and sharp pain in the anal canal when passing stools. This painful sensation can be severe. It can last for a while or a few hours after passing stools. In some occasions, anal fissure can be painless and may only bleed from time to time.

It is also characterized by itching and bleeding. Blood stain can be seen on the tissue upon wiping off the anus. Drops of blood can also be seen on the toilet bowl after a bowel movement. Blood that is mixed with the stools may be a sign of different condition.

How to Treat Anal Fissure Using Garden Angelica?

Garden angelica can be used to treat the itching sensation of anal fissure. To use Garden angelica (Angelica archangelica) to treat anal fissure, just make a poultice out of garden angelica root and apply on the area.

Garden angelica tincture can be used to treat anal fissures. Garden angelica has an ability to soothe, disinfect and heal the anal fissure. Apply up to 25 drops of garden angelica tincture to help heal and strengthen the anal tissue.

The root of garden angelica has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles. It can help relax the spasm of the anal sphincter and relieve the pain of anal fissure. It can be used as a decoction or a tincture to treat the spasm. Garden angelica tea or about 60 drops of garden angelica extract can also be taken to reduce intestinal spasms.

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