What is Foxgloves? Foxglove is a flowering plant with a scientific name of Digitalis purpurea. It is common in the temperate areas of Europe. It is characterized by purple or yellow flowers which are spirally-arranged.
The heart medication Digoxin is mainly derived from the foxglove plant. It is used to treat hypertension, congestive heart ailment and edema. The pharmaceutical–grade extract of cardiac glycoside digitoxin can stimulate the heartbeat and relax the tension in the veins. It also stabilizes the pulse rate. It can also act as a diuretic.
Furthermore, a type of steroid called digoxigenin can also be obtained from the leaves and flowers of foxglove. It can be used to detect DNA or RNA. Moreover, some people use foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) to treat anal fissure, as an alternative medicine.
The flowers, leaves and seeds of foxglove contain cardiac glycoside digitoxin, which makes it poisonous and fatal to animals and humans if ingested. Digitalis purpurea poisoning is characterized by cardiac contractions, vomiting, weakened pulse and nausea. It may lead to cardiac arrest and even death.
Treatment of Anal Fissure
Acute anal fissure, which lasts from 4 to 6 weeks, usually heals within a few days with the help of home remedies. The main key in avoiding anal fissure is by preventing constipation.
Constipation can be treated by taking plenty of water or fluids. A fiber-rich diet can also combat constipation. It is by eating beans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Taking a fiber supplement every day such as Metamucil or Citrucel may also help with constipation. Regular and unstrained bowel movements can also help in preventing constipation.
A sitz bath can help in relieving pain from anal fissure. It is done by sitting in a tub with a few inches of warm water for about 20 minutes three times a day. The warm water can relax the anal tissue and soothe the pain.
Using medicated pads or wet wipes instead of toilet paper to wipe off after bowel movements can also aid in relieving pain caused by anal fissure. A doctor may also prescribe a topical cream which can be applied on the tear to help it heal faster. Some examples are 1% hydrocortisone, Anusol, preparation H or zinc oxide. Taking laxatives or stool softeners may also help with anal fissure. It is best to consult a physician before taking laxatives.
How to Treat Anal Fissure Using Foxgloves?
Foxglove is commonly used by herbalists to treat inflammatory disorders and internal hemorrhage. It was also used as a treatment for ulcers and boils among other skin diseases. It can be used as an ointment in treating wounds. Foxglove leaves can be brewed and applied to the affected area. It can also come in tincture, tablet or powder form.
Herbalists may also recommend the use of foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) to treat anal fissure. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic properties may help in relieving pain and severity of anal fissure. Foxglove leaves can be made into a poultice to soothe swelling of anal fissure.
The use of foxglove as a home remedy must be done with extra caution because it is a poisonous plant. None of its plant parts must be ingested because it can cause death.