Anal fissures can cause a lot of discomfort to your child. Especially to preschool children, anal fissures can cause a lot of crying and other concerns. Normally, when your child has anal fissures, you can easily detect it since your child will definitely show signs that something is wrong. Firstly, blood will cover the hard stool’s surface, and your child may not want to voluntarily eliminate stool in order to avoid something painful that he or she feels when pooping.
Anal fissure is actually a very common problem among very young children, especially ones that are in preschool age, and in most cases, the fissures heal easily. Luckily, there are many articles covering how to treat anal fissures in preschool kids you can find on the Internet or in other resource materials. However, some of the most common ideas you can do in order to help your child recover from the pain they feel from their anal fissures are explained below. Aside from moistening the area where the fissures are located, dietary changes also need to take place.
Anal fissures are caused by hard bowels which tear the soft tissues of the anal canal. These tears can be very painful and can make your child stop pooping as long as the pain is there, which can only worsen their constipation. The first thing that must be done is to ensure that the bowels become soft so that it would be easier for them to pass, before treatment of the actual fissures begins.
The process of how to treat anal fissures in preschool kids begins with treating their constipation. When you go to your pediatrician, he or she may prescribe medications that can help soften your child’s stool. This will help make it easier for your child pass the stool without irritating the anal fissure. In addition, your doctor may also request that you put in more fluids and fiber on your child’s diet. Fiber-rich food includes items such as breads, fruits that include prunes, wholegrain cereals, and vegetables. Once your child’s stool becomes soft enough, the fissures will begin to heal on their own, and the pain that your child feels when eliminating will be much less than before.
If you think that all of those is still not enough, you can ask your pediatrician to give you a prescription for hydrocortisone ointment or cream, which will help heal the anal fissures or the cracks in your child’s anal canal. Another thing you can do is to lubricate the skin and keep it away from bleeding and drying by using petroleum jelly after giving your child a warm bath. However, medications such as Preparation H should be avoided since it specifically targets hemorrhoids in adults, and should not be used on children.
When giving your child fluids, make sure that you do not give your child too much milk products. An excessive amount of dairy products in your child’s diet can actually cause constipation, which can then lead to anal fissures. Limit the amount of milk products that your child consumes to about sixteen ounces every day, and that number already should include dairy products like cheese.