Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) to Treat Anal Fissure

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Horsetail or also known as common horsetail is a perennial nonflowering weed native to temperate parts of the planet. It is available commercially as dried herb and in liquid preparation. The herb might be popular for its medicinal benefits but it can also be eaten. The buds of the plant are eaten in Japan and Korea. What is horsetail famous for? And is it possible to use Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) to treat anal fissure?

As herbal medicine, the use of horsetail dates back to the ancient Greek and Roman times. It was used to stop bleeding, heal wounds and chilblains, treat kidney problems and urinary tract infections. It is also used to help ease rheumatism and gout problems. The plant is rich in minerals, potassium, silicon and calcium. Its silicon content is relatively high than most herbal plants that it is considered a medicine to treat osteoporosis or calcium deficiency problems of the bones. The silicon in the plant helps absorb the calcium that the bones in our body needs. It is also famous as a diuretic herb, one of the most diuretic perhaps of the known herbs. Now, what about the use of Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) to treat anal fissure?

Symptoms of anal fissure include severe pain during and after bowel movement. The intensity of the pain may last for a few minutes or hours. The passage of hard and unusually large stool in the anal canal to the anus creates a tear in the lining called anoderm. This tear will also cause bleeding medically known as rectal bleeding. If diagnosed with anal fissure, you will also see blood in your stool or in the toilet paper you use. There might also be irritation in the anus area after a few days. Sometimes when the pain is severe, anal fissure might also affect your urination. Sometimes you might urinate frequently, feel discomfort in urinating or might not be able to urinate at all. Two of these symptoms might be addressed by Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) to treat anal fissure.

Horsetail has an anti-hemorrhaging effect which may help stop the bleeding such as ulcers and might possibly be used to help stop the bleeding in anal fissure. Its astringent and diuretic effect might help with the problem in urination that is caused by anal fissure. However possibly useful of Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) to treat anal fissure, there is yet to presented scientific evidence for its effect in particularly treating the disorder.

When you experience the symptoms of anal fissure, immediately consult with your doctor for its proper diagnosis and available treatment. Your doctor will advise you the best possible treatment appropriate to your medical history. Although there are benefits of using herbal medicine, consult with your doctor what herbal supplements is most appropriate for you. He will know about the contraindications of using herbs when treating anal fissure along with your other medications. Do not delay and do not hesitate. Anal fissure is treatable just ask your doctor.

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