Being a cut or tear inside the tissue of your anus, a fissure can make the simplest of actions like relieving yourself a painful and bloody affair. However, there are various ways for them to be treated or even prevent from occurring in the first place. A medical expert might be able to prescribe to a person several store-bought drugs that could help relieve the pain while helping the wound heal in a matter of weeks. Below are some of the best pills to get rid of anal fissures.
Since anal fissures are caused by considerable strain on the anus, especially in the passing of large and hard stools, the first form of remedy would come in the form of laxatives. These pills work by softening the stool to allow for a generally painless bowel movement. This would work best for those suffering from chronic anal fissures and suffer from pain and bleeding quite severe that the mere act of passing a stool is downright painful. However, extra care should be observed in ingesting laxatives as too much would result in constant bowel movements, another primary factor in the formation of anal fissures.
Available in cream or pill form, Nitroglycerin works by expanding the blood vessels in the rectal area which allows for pressure to be relieved and the blood supply restored. A regular dose of the compound will alleviate pain in the rectum in a matter of days. However, Nitroglycerin can have side effects like headaches and dizziness due to the dilation of blood vessels which, in turn, result in lower blood pressures.
Calcium Channel Blockers
In the event that Nitroglycerin does not work, there are some of pills that contain like lidocaine can be prescribed to alleviate pain around the anus. Initially designed to treat hypertension, CCBs work by relaxing the blood vessels around affected areas which, in turn, reduces the pressure. This will result in the anal muscles relaxing which allows for a generally painless bowel movement. However, CCBs in pill form might have a slower rate of effectiveness as they have to travel through the digestive system before taking effect as opposed to its topical anesthetic variant. Also, side effects like dizziness and headaches are more pronounced in CCB pills.
Designed as an anti-inflammatory substance, hyrdocortisoles are the best pills to get rid of anal fissures as they target the inflammation that develops in the more advanced cases of anal fissures. Taken on or before bowel movement, hydrocortisoles work by soothing the irritated tissue around the fissure which results in reduced pain during bowel movements. The compound is also known to target itchiness, burning sensations and other sensory symptoms related to anal fissures.
Anal fissure pill treatments, when used with exercise and diet, can go a long way in removing the symptoms while facilitating a faster rate of healing. Constant dosage (as prescribed by the doctor) will ensure that the stinging sensation one feels as they do their bowel movements are gone in a few weeks.