Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) to treat anal fissure

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Tanacetum parthenium, or what is commonly called as “Feverfew”, is a perennial herb that’s common in the Balkan Peninsula, Caucasus and Anatolia. Feverfew originated from the word “febrifugia”, which is Latin for “fever reducer”. Rightly so, Feverfew’s main medicinal purpose is to treat athritis, menstrual discomforts, inflammation and fever.

In addition to treating the aforementioned ailments, Feverfew also can lower blood pressure and facilitate the improvement of both kidney and digestive functions. Migraine is another condition that Feverfew improves. Two inflammatory components that facilitate the onset of a migraine, which is prostaglandin and sertonin, are believed to be inhibited by Feverfew.

Although Feverfew’s primary medicinal application is in treating migraines, there exist other conditions that can be treated by it. One particular condition is Anal Fissure. Before trying to know whether using Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) to treat anal fissure is possible, it’s crucial to first discuss what Anal Fissure really is.

Anal fissure is an anorectal disorder that causes a tear, cut or opening on the anal mucosa. For a person who is afflicted with anal fissure, passing bowel motions may prove to be very painful. In addition, bleeding from the anus may occur and a burning or itching sensation may be felt on the anorectal area.

The main causes of this anal condition is chronic constipation, stresses during childbirth and passing an extremely large and dry fecal matter causing the anal lining to stretch more than it should. Contrary to popular opinion, anal sex is not one of the main causes of Anal fissure.

Buying over-the-counter drugs to treat the initial onset of an anal fissure is ill-advised. The reason being is that anal fissures, at their early onset, are considered acute. Acute anal fissures are fissures that doesn’t last more than 2-7 days. Usually, acute anal fissures heal all by themselves before reaching the 7 day mark. Once anal fissures fail to heal within the 7 day maximum duration, it is then considered as a Chronic anal fissure.

Chronic anal fissures are fissures that fail to heal by themselves and persist up to 3 months. The anal lining opening that wasn’t prominent when it was in the acute stage is now more visible and much larger. Bleeding during the chronic stage is much more profuse. The anal tear or cut has now increased in size and will leave a sizable scare on the anal lining. Most physicians in this situation will recommend the use of hydrocortisone or zinc oxide prescription creams or, in worst cases, surgery.

Inflammation due to reduced blood flow to the anorectal area is another factor that turns an acute anal fissure into a chronic one; this inflammation is most likely caused by Crohn’s Disease. Crohn’s Disease is a gastrointestinal condition where the inner lining of the digestive tract becomes inflamed. This inflamed state may span the whole digestive system, from the mouth to the anus.

Treating the inflammation caused by Crohn’s Disease in the rectal area is where Feverfew comes in. As mentioned previously, Feverfew has an anti-inflammatory property which may be ideal in treating Chronic anal fissures. Therefore, using Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) to treat anal fissure is definitely viable.

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