There are a lot of herbs used as medicine throughout history. It is easy to use these herbs once you get to know them because more often than not, they are available everywhere, wherever you are in the world. One of the many existing plants used as herbal medicine, is the country mallow or more popularly known as “flannel weed.” Can we use Country mallow (Sida cordifolia) to treat anal fissure?
The plant has been found to contain a substance that might be dangerous for use in treatments. Ephidrine is an amphetamine-like stimulant that is known to cause harmful side effects in combination with other drugs. Despite safety concerns, there is a long list of its uses as treatment to certain diseases or existing medical conditions. Some of its uses are for the treatment of bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, flu, swine flu, colds, chills, nasal congestion, lack of perspiration, cough and wheezing, sore mouth, fluid retention and urinary infections.
The plant is also used for other more complicated medical conditions such as heart disease, facial paralysis, stroke, insanity, nerve inflammation, nerve pain, tissue pain, chronic rheumatism and unplanned weight loss. As a stimulant, the plant is used to raise sexual arousal and increase urine production. It was also said to be used before and after chemotherapy as it is believed to speed up recovery. The plant is also found to be effective for numbness, skin disorders, joint diseases, ulcers, wounds, snake bite, muscle cramps, nerve pain and scorpion sting when it is directly applied to the skin or as a massage oil. But what about using Country mallow (Sida cordifolia) to treat anal fissure?
There has yet to be studies for the health benefits of country mallow in the treatment of the symptoms of anal fissure. Symptoms of anal fissure that should be immediately reported to the doctor include severe pain during and after bowel movement, usually following constipation, blood in the stool or stains on your toilet paper, and urinary discomfort due to the pain and irritation on the anal area. The symptoms must not be ignored to prevent the condition from worsening and developing into its chronic state which is more difficult to treat. There are treatments available for acute anal fissure and discuss with your doctor what are comfortable for you. The main focus in treatment is for the relief of pain and the healing of the tear or crack in your anal canal and anus.
You can talk to your doctor about Country mallow (Sida cordifolia) to treat anal fissure and he will be more than capable of discussing with you some of its adverse side effects. Some of the side-effects listed are insomnia, lack of appetite, headache, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, restlessness, flushing, tingling sensation, difficulty urinating and irritability. Certain cases of high blood pressure, muscle disorders, heart attacks, strokes, seizures, arrhythmia, fainting spells and death are linked to its use. It is still important to remember that no herbal medicine can cure your problem if it is not with the advice of your health care provider.