Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) to Treat Anal Fissure

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The Common sage comes in many names but it more popularly known as the garden sage. You see it as the plant with purplish or blue flowers, woody stems and grayish leaves. It is found all over the world as a good source for food and medicinal properties. The plant has been around since ancient times that medical literature has shown them to be used to increase women’s fertility, treat the common cold and generally taken for overall health. In folk literature, the plant is planted to ward off evil in ancient times.

In this time and age, can we use the Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) to treat anal fissure?

Sage is widely known in traditional medicine as good treatment for respiratory infections and ailments like asthma, cough and colds. When the leaves are crushed and added to boiling water, the fumes created are inhaled to alleviate nasal discharge and treat asthma. Used as a gargle, it can help treat sore throat. When used as tea, it is said to help treat gastrointestinal discomfort such as gas and bloating. Its volatile oils may be taken as carminative or that which aids in passing gas in the digestive tract. It was also said that its bitter components stimulate upper digestive secretion, bile flow, intestinal mobility, and promote better pancreatic function. Taken internally, the plant is considered effective in the treatment of typhoid fever.

Is it possible to find harmony in what science has revealed about the common sage and its medicinal use in herbal medicine? There has been insufficient data to support most of the claims in the use of the common sage in the treatment of respiratory and digestive problems. More so, there has been no literature that thoroughly describes the use of Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) to treat anal fissure. But whatever scientific evidence may be lacking is outweighed by its many possible uses in the treatment of other conditions such as menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, aid in mental performance and to cold sores when used as cream.

Still, the best course of action when one experiences the symptoms of anal fissure is to call or consult a doctor. Anal fissure is usually the result of episodes of constipation and repeated diarrhea. In passing large and hard stool, the action creates the tear or ulcer that is the anal fissure in the anal canal and in most cases of the anus. This tear causes the bleeding which is evident in the blood you see in your stool or in the tissue paper you use. But what highlights anal fissure is the severity of the pain a person feels during and after bowel movement. The pain lasts for a few minutes to hours in extreme cases.

Prevention still comes in the form of a healthy lifestyle which includes exercise, a diet rich in fiber, and taking lots of liquid to avoid constipation. Just remember to talk to your doctor when symptoms of anal fissure are felt. Talk to him about the home remedies you are comfortable with.

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