Anal fissure can be defined as a rupture in the anus. It can occur anywhere between the mucus membranes of the rectal canal. A person who experiences anal fissure is sure to feel pain before, during, or after bowel movements. Sometimes, there is bleeding involved when the crack or slit on the muscle is deep. Most common causes of fissures are constipation, childbirth, forcing large or hard stools out of the body, etc. which irritate, stretch or tear the tissues in the rectum or anus.
Anal fissure can affect anyone regardless of age or gender. This condition can be mild or chronic. Normally, the pain felt during bowel movements subsides after a few minutes. However, when the cut is deep, the pain lasts longer and medical surgery or treatment is already needed to ease the discomfort.
Usually doctors recommend antibiotics and laxatives to soften the stool, therefore soothing the irritation or in the anal tissues. But there are natural remedies for anal fissures and one of them is the use of common nettle.
Common nettle is derived from the Latin word Urtica dioica but is commonly known as the stinging nettle. This is because, this herbaceous plant has needle-like hairs that cover the the plant’s stem and leaves. Common nettle can be found mostly in Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America. It can grow in grasslands, forests, marshes, farms, gardens, and even in urban areas.
Common nettle produces flowers that are both male and female. The flower is a combination of green and white in color. Its leaves are green with edges comparable to that of a saw. The leaves are also oppositely arranged on the stem. Its roots are attached to the ground through a yellow rhizome and since it’s a perennial plant, it can survive for more than two years. The plant can reach up to two to three feet in height with an erect stem.
Though stinging nettle can be considered as a wild plant, it still can be used for medicinal purposes. Since it has expectorant property, the plant is recommended for treatment of asthma, mucus conditions of the lungs and chronic coughs. The tincture made from the stinging nettle eases colds, flu, bronchitis and even pneumonia. The stinging nettle is also used in folk medicine to cure rheumatism and gout. It is also a source of iron, Vitamins A and C, and a few other minerals which are nutritious to the human body.
Drinking the juice of stinging nettle helps soothe the discomfort caused by anal fissures. It also helps excrete bowels. Stinging nettles is abundant with flavonoids (bio-molecules that serve as antioxidants). Its main use as an herbal remedy is to cleanse and detoxify the body by increasing the total production of urine. Thus, it helps eliminate accumulated waste products inside the body. The normal dosage of the stinging nettle’s juice is one teaspoon, taken thrice a day.
The stinging nettle also has strong astringent action which can treat bleeding in any area of the body.