Common mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) to treat anal fissure

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The most common symptoms of anal fissure is the pain you feel when forcing large or solid stools out of your body, oftentimes the pain lasts for several more hours. Also, when there is blood in the stools that you pass, it is one indication that you are having anal fissures. Itching of the anus and foul smell during bowel movement are also symptoms for this condition. Anal fissures can happen to anyone, be it adult man or woman or an infant.

Anal fissure can be defined as a tear, slip or crack in the lining of the anal tissue. It can be caused by chronic constipation, forcing large or solid stool to come out of the body, and childbirth amongst other things. Usually, the fissures get better after a while, but if it does not, one may need medical treatment to soothe the discomfort.

However, there are already available natural remedies to treat anal fissures and one of them is the use of common mullein.

Common mullein is known for its scientific name Verbascum Thapsus. Mullein is considered a wildflower. Other names for mullein are White Mullein, Mullein Dock, Blanket Herb, Woollen, Rag Paper, Velvet Dock, Torches, Wild Ice Leaf, Our Lady’s Flannel, Clown’s Lungwort, Bullock’s Lungwort, Candlewick Plant, Velvet Plant, and a lot more. It can grow almost anywhere, be it fields, roadsides, stream sides, gardens, etc. But it thrives best in dry, sandy soils. Common mullein usually grows between June and September.

Mullein’s lifespan is about two years and it can be easily identified through its tall flower spikes. Its flowers are yellow in color and have five petals each, and about one inch wide. Mullein’s leaves are bluish-green in color.

Though mullein is considered a wildflower, it has its medicinal uses as well. Mullein is used by herbalists for treating respiratory disorders. Hence the plant became beneficial for treatments of coughs, acute and chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, common influenza, and other lung infections. The plant is also traditionally used for intestinal bleeding, dysentery, acute and chronic constipation, and the like. It also contains high percentage of mucilage which is said to have soothing effects. The leaves and flowers of mullein are used for medicinal purposes.

Oil is extracted from the mullein flowers which in turn treats some mucus or membrane inflammations. The leaves however, are demulcent ad emollient in nature. These properties help soothe tissue inflammation or irritation. The leaves are odorless but mucilaginous and have a bitter taste. The leaves also consist of gum, a small percentage of resin (hydrocarbon secretion of plants), a little tannin (acts as astringent) and volatile oil.

The combination of the demulcent and astringent properties of mullein strengthens bowel movements. Hence, it helps eases diarrhea or constipation. The fresh leaves are dried and crushed, and boiled with milk for ten minutes (with or without sugar) is highly recommended when there is bleeding involved. The taste is bland but since it is nutritious and has emollient property, it eases the irritation of hemorrhoids.

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