Cat’s claw is one of the most popular medicinal herbs in the United States. Its bark and roots are used as medicine. Both species of cat’s claw, Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guianensis are esteemed for their medicinal benefits. Is one of its benefits the use of Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa or Uncaria guianensis) to treat anal fissure?
There is no scientific proof that the plant is effective for the treatment of nay medical condition. This is contrary to the claim made by the long history of herbal medicine. But if the plant may not help in the direct treatment of anal fissure, its benefits for overall health before the symptoms of anal fissure must not be ignored.
Of particular interest in this discussion is the health benefit claim of using cat’s claw to treat various problems in the digestive tract. It does not say it is good to use Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa or Uncaria guianensis) to treat anal fissure because it does not indicate the treatment of the symptoms of anal fissure. The common symptoms of anal fissure are severe pain during and after bowel movement, rectal bleeding, urination problems and irritation in the anus area due to the tear in the anal area. What cat’s claw supposedly treat are pain and swelling in the large intestine, colitis, gastritis which is the inflammation of the stomach’s lining, hemorrhoids and stomach ulcers.
The plant is said to also contain compounds that might encourage good immune system as it works to kill bacteria, microorganisms such as viruses that can cause diseases. As part of a healthy diet and not to use Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa or Uncaria guianensis) to treat anal fissure, the plant could support the intestine by cleansing it. The cleansing ability of the plant is ideal to help stomach and intestinal problems.
When symptoms of anal fissure are felt, immediately consult your doctor for its proper diagnosis. Some digestive disorders have similar symptoms with anal fissure. Your doctor can rule out other possible medical conditions. Your doctor is in a better position to prescribe you the medications appropriate for your medical history. If you want to try on natural remedies of traditional medicine, talk about it with your doctor. Although rare, there are possible allergic reactions with the plant including inflammation, rash and itching. Possible side effects may also include vomiting, dizziness, nausea and headaches. Ask him honestly what are the benefits, contraindications and possible side effects of using Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa or Uncaria guianensis) to treat anal fissure specifically for you.
Home remedies currently available are taking stool softeners, adding fiber to your diet, warm baths to facilitate blood flow to the anus, exercise, sufficient liquid and preventing constipation. Living an unhealthy lifestyle such as lack of movement, fiber and not taking plenty of liquids usually cause constipation that precedes anal fissure. Repeated episode of diarrhea creates intense pressure also causes anal fissure.
History would have a long list of plants and herbs that are good source of minerals and vitamins that could be added to one’s diet. Ask around, consult your doctor and prevent constipation and diarrhea to prevent anal fissure.