Can We Use Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) to Treat Anal Fissure

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There has been made many claims on the health benefits the tree also known as Maidenhair tree but the use Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) to treat anal fissure has yet to find support through scientific evidence. The tree has been around for many years in the planet surviving different time periods and some trees even surviving harsh conditions. It has survived for thousands of years in China and has been tried for its many uses in traditional medicine. But what it is known for primarily is its use in the treatment of cognitive disorders such as memory problems in dementia and Alzheimer’s. Although it has not been proven to enhance cognitive functions, a study has concluded that it does not also slow down cognitive decline.

Ginkgo extracts used as medicine are taken from the leaves of the Ginkgo Tree. Among its many uses are for the treatment of problems of poor blood circulation in the body as with claudication or leg pain when one walks and of Reynaud’s syndrome. It is also used for depression and Lyme disease. Attempts have been made for the use of the ginkgo to treat macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease and altitude problems. Some have tried using the extract to treat sexual dysfunction brought by use of anti-depressants but with no proven effects.

It has been shown that ginkgo has some harmful side effects to people with bleeding because it will likely worsen the problem. When bleeding is found as one of the symptoms, it is not recommended to take Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) to treat anal fissure. It must not be taken with other herbs known to presumably increase bleeding such as ginseng, ginger and garlic. It is also because of its high risk of increasing bleeding that it is not advisable to take ginkgo when taking aspirin and warfarin which are anti-coagulants. Other known side effects of ginkgo are gastrointestinal nausea, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, and restlessness. The more alarming side effects for people with anal fissure are the risks of gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting and diarrhea which will worsen the bleeding.

Rectal bleeding or bleeding from the lower part of the rectum is one of the few symptoms of anal fissure. When accompanied by pain during and after bowel movement and sometimes itching in the anus area, do call or seek the advice of your healthcare provider. Treatment of acute anal fissure is important to prevent its repeated episodes and difficulty of healing due to chronic pain when it worsens. Sometimes because of the severe pain that one experiences in anal fissure that urination might also be affected. One may find it difficult to urinate, urinate frequently and in rare cases unable to urinate.

Home treatments for anal fissure include stool softeners that aids in the ease of passage of the stool. Preventing constipation through drinking plenty of liquids is highly advised to prevent further tearing in the anal canal. Warm baths which has been shown to improve blood flow to the anus is especially helpful in relaxing the muscles in the anus. Ask your doctors for creams to help relieve the pain. When symptoms appear, it is best to ask your doctor for the proper treatment of anal fissure.

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