As one of the natural remedies available today, Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) to treat anal fissure is a wonderful alternative.
All over the world, millions of people are suffering from anal fissure. Characterized by a tear in the anal canal, sufferers often experience stabbing pain, inflammation, bleeding and psychological distress. Most are caused by over-straining during bowel movement brought by constipation, digestive orders, hormones or injury to the rectal zone.
How Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) to Treat Anal Fissure Can Help
As an edible powerhouse of Vitamin K, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, the leafy vegetable belonging to the Amaranthaceae family is both popular and inexpensive. As a native of Persia, it was exported to India and later on to China and the rest of the world.
A closer inspection of its nutrients reveals that it is abundant in iron, manganese, folate and magnesium. It is also a wonderful source of B6 and riboflavin, calcium, potassium, Vitamin E and fiber. Clearly, choosing Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) to treat anal fissure can effectively assist countless persons afflicted with this condition.
1. Vitamin Rich
Vitamin A and C are known for their infection-fighting capabilities and anti-inflammatory properties. To hasten the treatment of wounds and inflammation caused by anal fissure, eating lots of spinach may greatly help the body heal and recover faster. The vitamins in the vegetable have viral and bacterial repellent qualities that protect the mucous membranes of the skin.
Vitamin C acts as a common antihistamine that can eliminate various sensitivities to food. Anal fissures may also be aggravated by dairy, wheat and other products; so this important vitamin helps a lot. As a natural producer of collagen that aids in wound healing, the rich Vitamin C of the vegetable is a wonderful addition to one’s diet. The body’s production of histamine, which causes inflammation, is also reduced.
Vitamins B and E are also responsible for healthy hair, skin, eyes and liver. Vitamin B6 is largely tasked with producing antibodies that can fight various diseases in the body including anal fissure. The timely use of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) to treat anal fissure may help, due to the plant’s rich vitamin content.
2. Minerals
Spinach is rich in folate that fights against folic deficiency. Inadequate amounts of folic acid in the body often lead to chronic diarrhea, which is one of the possible causes of the rectal disease.
The leafy wonder is also laden with manganese, another powerful antioxidant that checks the harmful effects of free radical in the body. As an anti-cancer mineral, it can lower the risk of other types of cancer that can give rise to anal fissure.
3. Rich in dietary fiber
Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet will ensure that people with anal fissure will pass stool more comfortably and with no strained effort that can cause added pain. Eating spinach will soften the stool and prevent the anus from over stretching, which may acerbate a fissure that is about to heal.
As a natural and safe remedy, using Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) to treat anal fissure can provide the necessary solution needed for a quick recovery. It may be the right choice to use for this painful condition.