Black walnut (Juglans nigra) to treat anal fissure

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Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is commonly found in fertile soils in mixed hardwood forests and grows well in meadows, slopes and pastures. It originated from Native America but can be found now in Canada, South Dakota, Georgia, Florida and Texas. This species can live up to 130 years. Other names include Green walnut, Jupiter’s nuts, Nogal Americano, Nogal Negro, Walnoot and sometimes, just plain Walnut.

The black walnut tree has a black bark and is deeply furrowed (wrinkled). The tree could rise up to 150 feet and can grow wide from 2- 4 feet. Its leaves are compound, can grow up to 2 feet long, and have about 15 to 23 leaflets (though the stems are covered with fine hairs). The leaflets’ color is yellowish green Black walnut fruit can be described as large, rounded, brownish black nut covered with a thick shell enclosing an oily kernel. The kernel is actually edible and highly nutritious for human consumption. The nut is borne either in pairs or singly.

Black walnut is considered a powerful herb. It can be used as treatment to snakebites, ulcers, scurvy, intestinal problems and open wounds. It can be used as laxative as well. Black walnut is composed of beta-carotenes, zinc, tannins, vitamins B and C, silicon, selenium, potassium, iron, manganese and magnesium, and phosphorus. Its properties include being anti-fungus (can fight herpes, cold sores and athlete’s foot), antiseptic (fights sexually transmitted diseases, malaria and acne), and it can be anti-viral (treats warts).

Other people use black walnut (Juglans nigra) to treat anal fissure. Anal fissure is defined as a tear or split in the anal tube which is caused by trauma (e.g. childbirth, passing large stools off the body, diarrhea, constipation, and insertion of foreign objects in the anus). Common symptoms for anal fissure include irritation of the anus, blood on tissues used after bowel movement (can also be found on the stools), and extreme pain during bowel movement (can last for a few hours depending on the severity of the aggravation in the anal tissue).

When using black walnut (Juglans nigra) to treat anal fissure, the hull should be minced into powder and afterwards mixed with water to decoct a tincture. The tonic helps relieve the intestinal system hence it aids in digestion. It stimulates the flow of bile into the intestines. It is also believed to ease pain in a person’s spleen. Using the black walnut hull tea helps reduce episodes of constipation and diarrhea, hence, avoiding anal fissures.

Other conditions for which black walnut can be used as treatment include intestinal worms, skin wounds, diphtheria (inflammation of the mucous membranes) and syphilis (chronic bacterial disease that is caused by infection during sexual intercourse)

Caution: Black walnut shell contains a substantial amount of tannins (absorbs substances in the stomach and intestines). When taken by mouth (simultaneously with other medications), it can decrease the amount of medicine the body absorbs; hence, it makes medicine less effective. Use black walnut after at least an hour of taking in other medications.

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