Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) to treat anal fissure

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It is good to know that Chinese medicine is breaking new grounds in treating anal fissure. Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) is known to cure common diseases like colds, flu, heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, cancer and mental ailments. Having such reputation of treating various illnesses, it is not surprising that it can also heal the tears in the lower rectum lining

For patients who have minor fissures, the use of Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) to treat anal fissure can be done in less dosage. But for those conditions which lasts for eight to ten weeks or more, the fissure is considered chronic and a higher dose of Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) is necessary. Asian ginseng reduces the risk of long-term anal fissure as it increases the growth of cells in the blood

Asian ginseng is the most common in the ginseng family and it is the most viable in this species. It has the same chemical component with American ginseng and its active components promotes healing fissure. The substance present in this traditional herbal plant helps the body cope with rectal tearing. This promotes rapid cell growth which enables the passing of hard stool in the anus possible.

This perennial herb has a twisted root with tough shoots could treat many serious health problems, from fatigue to more complex heart illness, which makes it not surprising to combat anal trauma. The milestone of Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) to treat anal fissure is one of the natural remedies which could relieve the enormous pain.

Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) is referred to as an “adaptogen,” which makes it an effective ingredient in helping the body cope with physical stress such as anal fissure. It provides comfort from the pain and it hastens the treatment from the lesion. These adaptogen ginseng is regarded safe to be taken in large quantities. Because Asian ginseng was used traditionally to strengthen the body’s digestion, scientists further confirmed that the adaptogen is effective and showed no side effects. It also helps in returning to a well-balanced condition after a period of usage.

Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) restores the normal well-being of an individual yet the procedure of using this in adults who suffer from anal fissure must be taken with precaution. This light-colored herb has beneficial effects due to its anti-inflammatory constituents. These are ginsenosides which targets levels of varied human ailments. Having these properties, Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) is a soothing home remedy which can be applied in the affected anal infection. This lessens the pain and heals the tear in the anal lining.

Since constipation can eventually lead to anal fissures, experts advised the use of Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) as an herbal supplement. Not only would anal fissures be cured by eating foods which are rich in natural fiber is recommended to avoid this condition. Similarly, the antioxidants present in Asian ginseng can eradicate the free radicals in the body which helps it recover from damaged anal skin. The antioxidants generate soft stools making skin recover from anal cuts. In fact, Asian ginseng tea is also popular in treating anal fissure.

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