Are rosemary honey, baking soda, lemon or lime any good to reverse anal fissures?

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Anal fissures are painful tears in the outer anal canal. People with anal fissures often have blood in their stools. Also, because of these tears and cracks in their anus, they have a difficult time defecating. Anal fissures affect people of any sex or age. Babies and children with anal fissures are often the most difficult patients to cure.

The best way to cure anal fissure is medical surgery. Although creams can also help, these won’t solve chronic excretory problems, but did you know that some simple cooking ingredients can also cure the condition? This article will help you cure the condition with the use of these simple cooking ingredients.

Miracle Ingredients: Rosemary Honey, Baking Soda, Lemon and Lime

Are rosemary honey, baking soda, lemon or lime any good to reverse anal fissures? As many studies show, it is possible to cure anal fissures by using the mentioned ingredients.

1. Rosemary Honey (Honey mixed with Rosemary)

Both rosemary and honey are used to cure anal fissures. These cooking ingredients are inherently disinfectants, antimicrobial and have antioxidants. Drinking honey mixed with rosemary is also a refreshing tonic for the mind and body. Raw honey is used as a medicine even before. It is used as a fluid for dressing wounds and for embalming. It is also good for cough suppression.

How to Use: Simply dab over the rosemary honey over the inflamed area on your rectum. Soak your rectum in warm water before applying the mixture.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is not only for baking; in fact, it has many other purposes including cleaning and curing skin problems. It is used as a natural remedy to help soften dry skin and eliminate harmful toxins. Instead of using milk baths or other commercial bath products, use baking soda. It is odorless, colorless and residue free.

How to Use: Try a baking soda bath to relieve pain from anal fissures, hemorrhoids, genital infections and many other discomforts in your lower body.

3. Lemon or Lime

Lemon or lime water is an essential purifier for the body. Drinking lemon or lime water stimulates the bile and liver and purifies it from harmful toxins. It also aids in digestion, making bowel movements smoother and easier. Drinking lemon or lime water will also help lower blood pressure and prevent anxiety, forgetfulness, and depression. Basically, it helps the nervous system to function properly.

How to Use: Drink lemon or lime water first thing in the morning and after every meal.


These simple remedies are not recommended for chronic and serious anal fissures. It’s best to see a doctor for such kind of disorders. The best way to cure anal fissures is still prevention. You can prevent different infections not only on your rectum, but also your whole body if you have a healthy diet and if you exercise every day.


Are rosemary honeys, baking soda, lemon or lime any good to reverse anal fissures?

Yes. Think of these remedies as first aids after you experienced the symptoms of an anal fissure.

When is it best to see a doctor?

It is best to see a doctor if excessive bleeding and serious inflammation is experienced after every bowel movement, or if it doesn’t get well after more than a week.

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