Acai Berries (Euterpe oleracea) to treat anal Fissures

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The beneficial effects of the berry family cannot be doubted. Strawberries and blueberries are known for their rich antioxidant content. These antioxidants help fight off free radicals that are said to be damaging to your cells. Through these antioxidants, the body is able to repair its worn-out tissues at a much faster rate preventing cellular aging. This is the basis behind the use of these fruits in several anti-aging products.

Aside from these two famous fruits, another addition to the berry family is acai berry. You may not be aware of it but the use of acai berry in preventing skin aging is becoming popular making it a subject of several researches. Recent studies found out that acai berry can help in the maintenance of youthful glowing skin. You can already see some skin care products containing acai berry being sold in the market nowadays.

But the use of acai berry is not just limited to skin rejuvenation, but also includes treatment and relief of several ailments. Acai berry has been known to have positive effects on the cardiovascular system, particularly on the heart. Acai berry helps you fight cardiovascular diseases by lowering your cholesterol levels. The plant sterols that are found in acai berry has also been found out to promote blood circulation, both by preventing formation of clots that can obstruct the blood vessels and by promoting dilation of these structures.

Acai berry is also widely used to help in weight loss. And this is mainly a function of the pulp of the fruit. The pulp binds cholesterol promoting its excretion into the stool.

Acai berry has a lot more uses, such as preventing cancer and improving mental functions. But aside from these, acai berry has also been found out to be effective in promoting healing of anal fissures.

Anal fissure is defined by the presence of tears or cracks in the skin around the anus or the mucosa of the anal canal. Anal fissures can be caused by several factors. One of these causes is constipation, which promotes the development of hard stools, making it difficult for one to pass these stools. Hard stools can eventually irritate and cause abrasion along the mucosa of the anal canal. Chronic exposure to this condition can promote the development of anal fissures.

How to use acai berry (Euterpe oleracea) to treat anal fissure? One of the main roles of acai berry in treating anal fissure is its effect on the consistency of the stool. The high fiber content of acai berry does not only help lower cholesterol but also helps in promoting digestion, thus is effective in promoting stool passage. Using acai berry (Euterpe oleracea) to treat anal fissure also helps in relieving inflammation, as well as the pain, thanks to the herb’s antioxidant content. The vitamin content of the fruit further promotes tissue repair facilitating wound healing. And most importantly, acai berry helps prevent infection both by stimulating the immune system and by suppressing the growth of several microorganisms.

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