Auriculotherapy or ear acupuncture is an alternative medicine founded on a theory that the auricle (or outer portion of ear) is a microsystem of the entire body. It is believed that stimulation of specific points in the auricle can diagnose and treat physical and mental conditions.
Auriculotherapy: The Then and Now
Ear acupuncture dates back to ancient times in China. It presumes that the entire body’s structures and functions are mapped on the surface of the ear. It involves the insertion of fine acupuncture needles to stimulate set points on the ear. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine believe that disease is caused by disruptions of to the flow of “ki” or nonmaterial energy. Stimulating points in the ear allow for effective flow of energy on the affected part of the body.
The modern approach to auriculotherapy was proposed by Paul Nogier in 1950’s. He claimed that the body and internal organs are accurately represented on the ear like that of an inverted fetus (homunculus). Problems on the surface of the body or organs are reflected by an increase in tenderness at a specific point in the ear. Acupuncture, electrical stimulation, and massage of the points lead to pain relief in the corresponding part of the body.
Auriculotherapy and Anal Fissure
Anal fissure is a painful disorder which is caused by vertical cuts on the soft layer of the anus. The cuts develop from trauma acquired from frequent constipation, explosive diarrhea, and any other activities that might cause pressure to the anal region.
Fissures are characterized by severe pain during bowel movements that persists hours after the motion. The pain can also extend to the buttocks, thighs, and lower back, which gravely affects an individual’s quality of life. Adding to the horror, minimal amounts of bright red blood can be observed in the stool or bathroom tissue.
Anal Fissure treatments
Treatment of anal fissure focus on 1) pain relief, 2) facilitating wound healing and 3) prevention and/or management of constipation.
Pain relief is usually achieved through prescription medication – oral analgesics and lidocaine. Other methods that might help with pain management is sitz bath (sitting in a basin of warm water), yoga or meditation and approved herbal remedies. Wound healing is achieved by prevention of trauma (from constipation) and speeding up the healing process through proper nutrition and enhancing blood flow to the affected area.
Auriculotherapy to heal anal fissures naturally
Severe pain is the chief complaint of patients suffering from fissures, thus making it the top most priority. Pharmacologic medications can cause dependence and tolerance. Dependence means that the individual cannot function without taking the pain drugs, while tolerance means the usual dose does not give desired effect, so dosage will have to be increased from time to time. These effects of pain medications are not desired, thus an alternative pain relief treatment is required.
Auriculotherapy to heal anal fissures naturally lessens the pain felt by the patient, which thereby reduces the need for analgesic use. Auriculotherapy, whether by use of needles, massage, or electrical stimulation, produces less adverse reactions as compared to pharmacologic pain management. Reported side effects are mild ear pain and tiredness.