An anal fissure is medically defined as a small laceration in the tissues that line the anus. It is commonly caused by the passage of large or hard stools during a bowel movement. These stools can cause small tears in the anal area while in the process of being excreted from the body. Other causes include chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, childbirth, and inflammation of the anal area. Other causes – although rare – are cancer, herpes, and AIDS.
Symptoms of anal fissure include itching, pain and bleeding, as well as general discomfort during bowel movement. Also, a person suffering from anal fissure may notice a small crack or lump in the anal area.
In cases where the anal fissure does not heal or if the cut extends to the muscles surrounding the anal area, medical intervention like drugs or surgery may be required. Drugs used to treat anal fissure include nitroglycerin which is applied directly to the affected area and helps promote faster healing, Botox injections, and steroid creams. Homeopathic alternatives, such as peppermint oil, are also available and are just as effective as drugs in treating or soothing the discomfort caused by anal fissures.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is an essential oil that comes from peppermint (Mentha piperita), a widely-cultivated herb that has well-known culinary and medicinal properties. Peppermint has numerous medical and culinary uses, and is one of the most well-known herbs. In particular, peppermint oil is widely used to treat or relieve problems with the digestive system (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome).
The use of peppermint oil (Mentha piperata) to treat anal fissure is a good alternative to people who do not want drugs or surgery to relieve their discomfort. It does not have as many side-effects as conventional drugs, is cheaper, and does not require a prescription. Patients, however, should consult with a physician before attempting to use peppermint oil to rule out allergies and/or possible interactions with other medications.
Preparations of peppermint oil (Mentha piperata) to treat anal fissure
Peppermint oil can be used in the following forms to treat or alleviate the discomfort caused by anal fissures:
a. In pure form.
A few drops of peppermint oil can be massaged several times a day on the affected area. The oil’s muscle relaxing and antimicrobial properties will help minimize discomfort and facilitate faster healing, respectively. Furthermore, the oil will help ensure a smooth bowel movement and will also prevent the patient from straining during the process.
Peppermint oil can also be added to a cup of tea or a glass of water to ensure smooth digestion and prevent constipation.
b. In combination with other essential oils.
If pure peppermint oil is too strong, the patient can dilute it by adding a few drops of it to a carrier oil. Examples of carrier oils are olive oil, sunflower oil, and virgin coconut oil. The mixture can then be applied externally, and is just as effective as the pure oil.
c. Peppermint oil capsule.
Studies have shown that taking peppermint capsules reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by 50%. Since IBS is also linked to anal fissure, patients can take capsules containing peppermint oil (Mentha piperita) to treat anal fissure, or at least relieve the symptoms caused by the condition. Peppermint oil capsules can be bought from health stores and online stores, with no need for a doctor’s prescription.