Can We Use Ginger (Zingiber officinale) to Treat Anal Fissure

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Who likes to warm themselves with some hot spicy food during a cold day? What spice do you usually associate warmth with? All over the world, ginger, that root of an herb that is sometimes yellow, white or red has been known for its hot, spicy and refreshing ingredient to many our well-loved food preparations. But ginger is not just valuable for its culinary uses but also for its medicinal properties as well.

What are the benefits of ginger and is it possible to use Ginger (Zingiber officinale) to Treat Anal Fissure?

For as long as humans have been exposed and discovered the use of ginger for food preparation that its use for medicinal purposes has been charted too. Ginger is known in herbal medicine as a good treatment to help ease gastrointestinal distress. It has carminative properties which explain why it induces the passage of intestinal gas. It is also intestinal spasmolytic which helps soothe and relax the intestinal tract. These anti-vomiting actions reduce risks of nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy and in motion sickness. These are just some of the many possible benefits of using ginger because studies are still being made to fully determine the extent and medicinal power of ginger. However, many have studies have already cited the potential therapeutic properties of ginger including it being an anti-oxidant, the ability to stop formation of inflammation chemicals, and more beneficial its direct anti-inflammatory effects.

Ginger has some phytonutrients that might reduce blood sugar, blood pressure and blood clotting. Gingerol, one of its many volatile oils is an anti-inflammatory substance that helps relieve pain from swelling in arthritis-related cases. Because of these potential effects on the blood chemistry that it is good to be vigilant of its possible reactions when taking other drugs that might not be in good combination to it.

To use Ginger (Zingiber officinale) to Treat Anal Fissure begs the question on whether it will help relieve the pain and heal the crack or tear in the anal canal. One has yet to consider if the probable allergic reactions to it would help the already severe symptoms of the anal fissure. Some of its allergic reactions appear in rash, heartburn and nausea, gas, belching and bloating. Ginger when eaten raw and not chewed might block the intestine. Those with gallbladder conditions are highly advised against taking it. What is the focus in the treatment of anal fissure are the alleviation of the pain and the healing of the tear in the anoderm. Home remedies for acute cases of include adding fiber to the diet, drinking plenty of liquids to prevent constipation, exercise and a good warm bath to help the blood flow to the anus to relax it. Adding more pressure to the already difficult reality of bowel movement in anal fissure is not going to help in the long-term. When symptoms of anal fissure are experienced, immediately see your physician to prevent further tearing of the anal canal and help relieve the pain in the following episodes of difficult bowel movement. Prescription medications will also be given to help heal the tear that is the reason for the bleeding and the pain suffered. Don’t take chances on treating the symptoms of anal fissure, it is best to ask your physician what the scientifically proven ways to remedy it are available.

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