Germander (Teucrium fruticans) to treat anal fissure

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There is a plant perennial in Southern Europe and Africa that has been grown and cultivated in the United States for its ornamental and supposed medicinal value. The plant is commonly known as germander and the particular species in this topic is the bush germander or the tree germander, Teucrium fruticans. This shrub is sometimes referred to as the silver germander because of its silvery-white undersides of its leaves with gray-green on the other side. Its ornamental value lies in its pretty flowers but what is truly of greater appreciation for this plant is its use in landscaping. This plant is described as a tough performer because it requires minimal water or once grown will thrive even through rainfall. It is also deer resistant. Being part of the germander family known for its good amount of essential oils, one might ask if there are medicinal uses of germanders and a better question is it possible to use Germander (Teucrium fruticans) to treat anal fissure?

There has been no sufficient data to support the medicinal claims attributed to the Teucrium variety. But germanders have been used for a long time in the treatment of stomachaches, diarrhea, gallbladder conditions, frequent fever, and as an anti-inflammatory aid in gout and sometimes used as a digestive aid. It has been studied for its possible properties as antibacterial, antioxidant and antipyretic. Germander as a minty plant is also used as mouthwash as it is believed to kill the germs present in the mouth. In rare cases the plant is also used to help someone lose weight. However, these are not supported by any scientific study. These are just observation of those who try to use it in some period in history. There are some words of caution in the use of this plant because it is still considered unsafe for reasons of lack of evidence to support the claims made by those who use it. The safety concern related to the medicinal use of germander is for those cases where ingesting germander was said to cause hepatitis and even death.

The possible use of Germander (Teucrium fruticans) to treat anal fissure is to be taken with utmost safety and precaution. Once the symptoms of anal fissure has been confirmed by your physician, ask for prescription medicines to relieve the pain and help in the healing of the tears or crack in the anoderm. Treat anal fissures on the onset to prevent its long-term occurrence or repeated episodes that could fall under chronic condition. Symptoms of anal fissure are easy to recognize. They include severe pain during and after bowel movement, rectal bleeding, the feeling discomfort during urination, itching in the anal area, and sometimes, a malodorous discharge when pus is also passed. Once you have consulted with your physician he or she will prescribe medication to relieve your pain and heal the tear in your anal canal. Some home remedies will include preventing constipation by drinking plenty of liquid, a warm bath, and the use of stool softeners to aid easy bowel movement. The sure way to treat an anal fissure once symptoms are shown is to consult your doctor for its proper medication.

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