Chrysanthemum (Asteraceae spp.) to treat anal fissure

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Since as far back as the 15th century, the Chinese have been cultivating the flowering herb know as Chrysanthemum. Scientifically named Chrysanthemum Asteraceae, this species of plant is mostly native to Asia and the northeastern European region.

Although mainly ornamental in nature, Chrysanthemums also have culinary uses. One culinary application of Chrysanthemums is by simply boiling it, resulting in a beverage famously known as Chrysanthemum tea. In Korea, they are used as flavoring for fermented rice wine called a gukhwaju. In Japan, small amounts of chrysanthemum are used as a garnish for a famous Japanese dish called sashimi.

Chrysanthemums are also well known for their medicinal properties. They are considered as good blood cleansers. Most Chinese medical practitioners use or recommend drinking chrysanthemum tea to purify the blood by relieving it with from toxins that build up in the body over time. In its tea form, it also can relieve the nasal and head area of congestion.

Treating inflammation is another area where Chrysanthemums excel. Traditional Chinese medical practitioners have extensive knowledge of its cooling infect in the body both internally and externally. It is this inflammation inhibitory effect of the Chrysanthemum that makes it an ideal treatment for Anal Fissure.

Anal fissure is basically a tear or break in the anal mucosa lining of the anus.

Anal fissure symptoms include:

  1. •Extreme pain during bowel movements
  2. •Anal bleeding (usually separate from the feces)
  3. •Burning sensation and itching of the anorectal area

Anal fissures that usually last no more than 2-7 days are called Acute Anal Fissures. They do heal on their own with little to no help from home remedies.

There are anal fissures however, that last for more than 2-3 months. Also called as Chronic Anal Fissures, they are anal fissures that fail to heal and have become deep due to insufficient blood flow to the anorectal area. The cell repair process requires oxygen that is distributed by the blood all over the body. Therefore, without blood and the oxygen that it brings, cell repair is impossible; cell repair that will fix the anal tear.

Inflammation is one of the most common cause of impeded blood flow to the anorectal area. Inflammation causes constriction of the sphincter muscles of the anus facilitating to an impeded blood flow to that area. This is exactly where Chrysanthemum becomes useful.

The anti-inflammatory characteristic of Chrysanthemum makes it an ideal home remedy for anal fissure. In addition, it also prevents inflammation caused by Crohn’s Disease. Crohn’s Disease is one of the primary causes of Anal Fissure characterized by causing deep sores and inflammation all over the digestive tract, particularly but not limited to the small and large intestines.

This is basically why more and more people are starting to use Chrysanthemum (Asteraceae spp.) to treat anal fissure. Chrysanthemums are readily available and can easily be processed into a tea, tincture or cream form. It has good ornamental usage and has a more exceptional medicinal usage. You cannot go wrong in using Chrysanthemum (Asteraceae spp.) to treat anal fissure.

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