It is a time-honored method to use basil (Ocimum basilicum) to treat anal fissure for its medicinal properties. Because anal fissure is experienced by people of different ages, it is best to defy this condition with plants readily available at home such as basil.
Most homes maintain a sizable amount of basil for cooking because it is rich in vitamins, magnesium, and potassium, among others. As a remedy for a common anal fissure, this herb which belongs to mint family, Lamiaceae, proves to be also helpful because it is high in defense components of the phenylpropene class. Hence, there is a significant potential for this herb to provide nutritional value and health benefits to every household.
From its vast history, Basil (Ocimum basilicum) has been used traditionally in ayurvedic medicine in India. Research unravels several health benefits of this herb. Some experts refer to this as Saint Joseph’s Wort which possesses ample amount of compounds which helps in dealing with bowel-related inflammations. Importantly, it can also reduce swelling due to the extracts from this herb. The fissure which could be a tear of any size in the rectal area can also be cured by the range of essential basil oils. Basil oils has a watery thickness and its pale green color releases a sweet and spicy aroma which makes it an excellent moisturizer for the rectal linings especially so when the tear is already present.
Since anal fissure is linked to large bowel movement and accumulation of free radicals, it’s good that basil (Ocimum basilicum) is rich in ethanol extract, an antioxidant which has greater activity than the standard variety. Once basil (Ocimum basilicum) is added in food, its components naturally help in making food easy to digest. In the process, the healthy and beneficial basil oil aids in lubricating the excretory system and moistening stool for easier passage in the anal canal.
Not only does basil serve as a culinary herb, it also contains calming effects which aids in relieving muscle and intestinal cramps. From nausea to hiccups to other significant digestive disorders, basil (Ocimum basilicum) reveals to be effective. A lot of constipation cases, vomiting and menstrual cramps were healed by utilizing basil. Recent studies have also pinpointed that this basil can help people with warts, infections and fissures in the anal lining. With enough basil consumption, the bowel system is regulated, not making the anus susceptible to excessive stretches.
The basil oil is the most important by-product of Ocimum basilicum. This is particularly used in reducing the pain brought by anal fissure. When this oil is used continuously, it helps in refreshing the skin which was overstrained by rapid anal fissure. These raw ingredients of basil and the bioactive compounds are used as treatment of different illnesses including anal fissure.
For those anal fissures caused by childbirth, choosing basil (Ocimum basilicum) to treat anal fissure. In fact, there are women who use basil before and after giving birth in order to promote proper blood flow and to normalize breastmilk production.