The treatment of anal fissure is usually difficult. To begin with, many patients are embarrassed to share stories of this condition since it is associated with a cut in the anal lining. While some sufferers would opt for a surgical treatment, others still believe in home remedies and the use of medicinal plants like American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) to treat anal fissure is also resorted to.
Scutellaria laterflora is often used as a remedy for anxiety and depression. Right now, it can be an alternative in treating painful anal fissure. This plant does not only help in getting rid of nervous tensions and convulsion but it also helps in treating anal fissure conditions because of its anti-fungal effects. The American skullcap is also popular for its calming effects which is helpful in restoring a stressed individual and promoting normal sleep. Many sufferers of anal fissure use American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) to treat anal fissure.
Physicians advise that the tension in the anal muscular rings can lead to fissure. The outer ring can be controlled by an individual but the outer ones cannot. This is regularly under extreme tension which can develop spasm and reduce the flow of blood to the anus. The American skullcap or Scutellaria lateriflora which is considered as a nerve tonic reduces the tension and toughens the nervous system. Scutellaria lateriflora can be used to medicate this condition because the anti-spasmodic capability of this plant mitigates muscle cramps. The American skullcap helps in reducing the muscle spasms caused by the anal fissure condition. Its bitter yet cooling characteristics makes it a good choice to calm the nerves of an anal fissure patient.
With its sedative and pain-killing properties, using American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) to treat anal fissure can be effective. Being a nervine, its active constituents such as flavonoids, tannins, iridoids and flavones promote efficiency in healing the fissure. The painful bleeding in the anus and malodorous discharge are reduced by using the above ground parts of Scutellaria lateriflora plant. The leaves are harvested every June from a skullcap plant. Scutellaria lateriflora is a perennial plant with a blue flower and above the ground portion is widely used for medicinal purpose.
The American skullcap is endemic in North America and it is available as either a fluid extract or a dried herb. As it becomes popular in Europe and East Asia, the availability of American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) to treat anal fissure becomes notable.
Notably, the use of American skullcap is safe since studies revealed no toxicity linked to the use of this plant in treating anal fissure. This gentle nervine allows anal fissures to heal through home remedy. Together with drinking ample amount of water, the stool becomes soft, avoiding the gravity of anal fissure.
As opposed to prescription drugs, treating anal fissure is easier with this herbal remedy. After a careful study done among human volunteers, Scutellaria lateriflora showed potential in its intervention with anal fissure. This plant from the lamiaceae or mint family has anti-anxiety effects on most subjects.