Anal fissures are tears along the anus, anal canal and areas along the lower intestinal tract. They are usually harmless and will go away with self-care and sometimes medication within 6 weeks. You might feel some discomfort during your bowel movements within the 6 week period but do not delay or stop it from occurring.
One of the most common questions that patients ask doctors when they are diagnosed with anal fissures is that can anal fissure cause very painful gas and menstrual cramps?
Anal fissures usually occur when you are constipated, have diarrhea, had anal sex or had just given birth. These activities could possibly have torn the skin surrounding your anal sphincter, making it painful to pass stool. You might even see blood on your stool. The location where the anal fissures mostly occur is also the area where gas passes through. If you notice when your wounds get disturbed by external forces, it will cause a slight pain.
Same goes with anal fissures. The gas coming from your body exerts pressure on the anal sphincters and other parts of the anus so when it comes in contact with your anal fissures, the result could be painful. If you feel pain every time you pass gas, it might be a good idea to lay off the beans until your condition heals. You may also consult with your doctor on how to relieve anal fissures when you pass gas.
A woman’s body naturally anticipates the fertilization of the egg that is released monthly. To prepare for the fertilization, the uterine lining starts to thicken by increasing the blood flow into that area of the body. The thickening of the uterine lining helps the fertilized egg implant in the uterus. When the egg is not fertilized by a sperm, the uterus sheds the thickened uterine lining; thus, women bleed through the vagina. Menstrual cramps happen mostly because of the monthly shedding of the uterine lining.
The connection between anal fissures and menstrual cramps is still not widely known but there are remote occurrences, especially after childbirth, when women experience painful menstrual cramps together with anal fissures. The possible reason could be the intense pain coming from the anal area is causing the other areas near it to contract so the pain can be felt in the pelvic region too. This pain is not necessarily connected to menstrual cramps but is felt in that general area so you think you are having menstrual cramps instead of pelvic pain. If you are feeling severe pelvic pain, are irritable and have low libido, consult with a doctor and ask for treatment. This might be a cause for other, more serious medical conditions.
So the answer to the question “Can anal fissure cause very painful gas and menstrual cramps?” is yes it can. However, don’t take these symptoms lightly. Make sure to monitor the pain and if you are unable to move, perform simple activities or if the pain is persistent, see your doctor immediately.