Are hiccups, heartburn, morning sickness and vertigo related to anal fissure

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Anal fissure is the tearing of the anus and the anal canal. It is primarily caused by trauma, though there are also some instances or non-traumatic diseases that cause anal fissure.

Symptoms of anal fissure include pain in the anal area especially during bowel movements. There will also be bleeding in the affected area, itching, and malodorous discharge. This is the discoloration of the stool or feces. The stool can become black, tarry, red, or maroon.

Aside from these symptoms, there are also others that are said to occur when suffering from anal fissure. One important question to ask would be “are hiccups, heartburn, morning sickness and vertigo related to anal fissure?”

Hiccup, or hiccough, is the involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. It causes the closure of the vocal chords, forcing a person to make the “hic” sound. It may be repetitive for a certain period of time. Hiccup is an occurrence relating to the diaphragm, far away from the anus, so it is improbable that it causes or is caused by anal fissure. There also are no reports yet of people with anal fissure having hiccup.

A heartburn occurs when the esophagus gets irritated, which is caused by the stomach acid. When this happens, the upper abdomen or the area below the breast bone becomes painful and it gives a burning sensation. It also causes chronic cough. Heartburn and anal fissure do have something in common, and that is they both can cause gastrointestinal problems.

Morning sickness is the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. This usually happens during a pregnant woman’s first trimester. Because a pregnant woman constantly vomits, she would feel dehydrated and exhausted. Morning sickness could have a few possible causes. Estrogen and human chronic gonadotropin (hCG) are hormone suspects as they rise rapidly in early pregnancy. Fluctuations in blood pressure, altered metabolism, and the enhanced sense of smell can also be some of the causes of morning sickness. These causes are very strong possibilities, but they are still just theories and therefore there are still no proof regarding their connection to anal fissure. It could be that the altered metabolism may cause the anal fissure as the pregnant woman experiences a change in bowel movement. Also, another symptom of anal fissure is nausea, but there is no proof that morning sickness is the specific cause of it.

Vertigo is the feeling that one is spinning. If you feel like you are moving, it is subjective vertigo. If you feel that it is your environment that is moving, it is objective vertigo. This is mostly caused by inner ear problems such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) which is the brief sensation of motion. There is also the Vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis (the infection and inflammation within the inner ear), Meniere’s disease (a disorder caused by the buildup of fluid and changing pressure in the ear), and also problems in the brain such as stroke or tumor, migraine, and head injury. There are some studies that show vertigo as one of the symptoms of anal fissure. The accumulation of feces in the colon causes the increase of toxic substances (indole, skatole), which then leads to nausea, dizziness, and sometimes

With all that being said, if someone asks are hiccups, heartburn, morning sickness and vertigo related to anal fissure?, it is safe to say that only heartburn has the similar effect, and vertigo can be one of the effects. However, there is no real proof that any of these can lead to anal fissure, and vice versa.

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