An anal fissure is a tear located in the anorectal region. The anorectal region ls the conjunction between the anus and the rectum. Anal fissures are usually caused by trauma in the anorectal lining. Trauma is caused by passing out large bulk of stool, chronic constipation and diarrhea, childbirth, sexual intercourse, and introduction of foreign object to the anal canal. The symptoms include bloody discharge from the anus, sharp or burning pain during bowel movement, and itchiness. Like most normal cuts or tears in the body, anal fissures can be cured with home treatments. It may take several days or weeks for the fissures to completely heal if proper treatment is followed.
One of the home treatments for anal tear is topical steroid cream application. Application of topical steroid cream over the anal tear can reduce the inflammation surrounding it. This can resolve the pain and itchiness over the affected area. Since it can be difficult to visualize the area, there are people looking for techniques on how to correctly locate the anal fissure. Some of them are asking on what is the texture of the fissure, is it hard, mushy or soft?
Topical medication is spread on the fissure using cotton-tipped applicators. Some people find it more convenient to put on the medication with a gloved hand. By touching the fissure, it can be easier for them to locate it. For the treatment to be effective, it is very important to make sure that the medication is applied on the correct site.
Like most cuts and tears in the body, an anal fissure can be very painful when touched. Since the fissure is a rip on the skin, it should normally feel painful when pressure is applied on it. The tissues surrounding the tear are rich in nerve endings. This explains why it is very painful to touch the area. The sensation of pain is the best indicator that you are applying the medication on the correct area. Most anal fissures are accompanied by skin tag known as sentinel pile. Sentinel pile is usually located at the posterior region of the cut. This excess skin can also be used as a marking point to identify the location of the fissure.
Most anal fissures are located at the posterior portion of the anal canal facing the side of the spine. And it accounts to 90% of all cases of anal fissure. This is due to the position of the internal and external sphincter muscles. These muscles are responsible in supporting the anal canal. The excessive spasm of these group of muscles can worsen the condition. When an anal tear is present, the internal sphincter muscles are in constant state of contraction. The internal anal sphincter only relaxes during passage of stool. After the bowel movement, the internal sphincter muscles do not immediately go back to its resting level of contraction. Instead, it contracts more vigorously for a few more seconds. This causes the anal tear to be pulled apart and prevents its healing.
These are some of the points to remember on how to correctly locate an anal fissure. When applying topical medication on the fissures, make sure to clean the hands first. It is a good thing to always remember that the anal fissures are open wounds. Washing of the hands is the best practice to prevent infection. Upon locating the fissure, the painful sensation and the presence of the sentinel pile are the best indicators that you are applying the medicine on the correct area.