A visibly inflamed linear split in the anal area suggests the presence of anal fissure. The tear or crack in the anal canal is a condition that can be present in both sexes of varying age. The first symptom is severe pain during bowel movement. It recurs for every toilet visit that the patient can consciously withdraw defecation. Patients generally do not have any symptom until their next bowel movement.
The inner lining of the anal canal can experience trauma, which can cause inflammation and fissure. A hard bowel movement is the typical cause of this, but sometimes even frequent soft bowel movements due to diarrhea can also cause an anal cut. The stress brought about by this bowel movement puts pressure on the anal muscles, which eventually triggers the tear. The spasm that occurs during defecation results to a decrease in the flow of blood in the specific area where the injury occurred. The tear causes the blood to flow from the injury and all the pressure and stress bring about extreme pain.
Doctor prescribed medications may not always work. You may need to try natural solutions or so-called herbal medications. Neo Healer is a natural formulation that is considered as a good treatment for anal fissures. It was formulated to remedy the problem of inflamed anal veins. Through scientific preparation, herbal sources were combined to decrease the inflammation and stop bleeding. Weak veins can run in families and as such, periodic fissures are normal occurrences. A natural remedy is then preferred over chemically made medicines. Made with four essential herbs, it keeps the veins strong. The soothing and healing effect of this product happens as it repairs the tissues in the anal area.
The centuries-old Aloe Vera in Neo Healer works effectively in calming and soothing the dilated and bulging veins in the injured area of the anus. The polysaccharides as well as the gibberlin in Aloe Vera effectively decrease inflammation.
Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) provides relief from pain and reduces the uncomfortable itch that comes with the condition.
The anti-inflammatory ingredients of the product promote healing. It effectively regenerates the dermal tissue as well as the thin lining of the venial tissues in the anal region. The White Dammar (Vateria Indica) has antiseptic properties that restore the normal health of the anal lining.
As blood circulation improves, damaged tissues are regenerated. The Mediterranean White Lupin (Lupinus Albus) helps repair the injured tissues. It has the necessary enzymes that promote healing. The skin tissues eventually recover and symptoms associated with the anal fissure are decreased.
The product has other ingredients that ensure a moist bowel movement; thus, putting a stop to the cycle of anal pressure, injury, painful defecation and delayed excretion that causes stress anew.
Neo Healer is available in ointment and suppository forms. The 30-gram ointment should be used 2 to 3 times a day. The suppository can be used as a supplement for a more rapid relief to anal tear. Its herbal properties will bring about immediate pain relief once absorbed by the skin. It is best to keep an extra tube of ointment handy for possible flare ups because when the anal region is under stress, a tear may always recur.