Anal Fissure Relief: Ointments That Will Help You with Anal Discomfort

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Having an anal fissure can make something as simple as removing solid waste from your body an uncomfortable, and even painful, experience. However, there are multiple ways for patients to help themselves through their daily bowel movements while, at the same time, quicken the healing process. Aside from surgery, self-medication in the form of ointments is the best way to get a fissure to heal while making your daily obligation less problematic. Below are several of the best ointments to get relief from anal fissures.

Anesthetics and Steroids

Anesthetics like lidocaine, xylocaine and pramoxine are usually applied before bowel movement as they can greatly reduce the pain from the upcoming muscle strain. Anal fissures mostly develop from regularly passing stools that are too big for the sphincter or through constant diarrhea, a condition opposite to constipation where the refuse has a more runny consistency. Either way, the constant stress would cause the anoderm, the tissue around the anal area to break which results in a “wound” which is the fissure itself. By targeting the affected area, anesthetics work by removing the pressure around the nerves which makes defecation less painful.

With the addition of steroids in the solution, anesthetics can also greatly reduce the irritation around the sphincter which is a primary cause for fissure growth. However, steroids should only be used for a period spanning no less than 2 weeks as prolonged use might cause the anoderm to thin out, making it vulnerable to bowel-related trauma. Most topical anesthetics with steroid compounds can be bought at local drug stores.


As internal spams in the sphincter muscles as well as a reduced blood flow in the anus also form fissures, using an ointment containing nitro glycerin will help relax the muscles around the anus while restoring the flow of blood in the area. The compound works by relaxing the blood vessels around the sphincter which, in turn, alleviates blood pressure and restoring the blood supply. Constant use of the solution would alleviate pain immediately while quickening the healing process.

However, constant dosages of nitroglycerin can bring about headache which is caused by the dilation of the blood vessels and the resulting drop of blood pressure it induces will, in turn, lead to dizziness. This is the primary reason why nitroglycerin is never advised for young children or nursing mothers.


Several of the best ointments to get relief from anal fissures contain compounds generally described as CCBs or calcium channel blockers. Compounds that contain nifedipine and diltiazem work by relaxing the muscles around the sphincter while also expanding the blood vessels to increase blood flow. Unlike nitroglycerin, side effects like lightheadedness and headaches are far less pronounced on CCBs though constant use of them will still leave the person vulnerable to such side effects.

The effectiveness of ointments in treating pain revolving around anal fissures will vary from one case to another. As such, it is imperative that one follows the doctor’s prescriptions as they were given to ensure proper healing.

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